On 7 June 2011 06:53, Linda Culberson <lcul...@mdah.state.ms.us> wrote:
> The problem, at least in 3.4, does exist, but changing the query from
> sn,wrdl to sn,phr and bc,wrdl to bc,phr seems to fix it.
> But I'm still wondering if there are others - besides call numbers -
> for which this applies.
> I apologize for the multiple emails.  I should do more research before I
> email.  I'll try to keep quiet now.

Hi Linda
Multiple emails are fine, but perhaps this discussion is better on the
koha-devel list.
I think its not a new problem (i think 3.0.x up did this) but that
doesn't mean its right.

I think phr for barcode, sn, etc makes more sense and I would
encourage you to widen the scope of your bug to include them.
The fix is simply changes in the template so should be relatively
straightforward to implement and would be a welcome fix for many
libraries I think.

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