
Welcome!! Feel free to contact us whenever with your questions/comments/etc!

Nicole C. Engard

On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 8:44 AM, lennart <lennart.k...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi @ all,
> I just wanted to shortly introduce myself.
> I'm in the middle of my internship at
> a library, where they are considering koha
> as their future ILS.
> I've already started to configure a few
> things, created the item types and so
> on. The whole server administration however
> is upon another member of the
> university (which the library belongs to).
> So I'm not the _really_ responsible
> one to make the system work.
> I joined the koha-community.org for more
> information and maybe help. But a few
> names from the mailing archive (like Nicole and Chris)
> are already familiar to me.
> Thanks for all the information I
> already used for my humble part of the project
> so far to the whole community.
> Greetings,
> Lennart
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