Maybe there should be some kind of Bug Swatter Award given each month or
after each GSOD session.

I understand that closing out bugs is less sexy and exciting than developing
something new so we need to recognize those that are willing to do that
work.  It is certainly equally important!

Even if we don't have a cash prize or a bouquet to give the award recipient,
there's nothing wrong with giving the developers some extra ++'s from the
user community!


Lori Bowen Ayre // Library Technology Consultant
The Galecia Group //
(707) 763-6869 //

<>Specializing in open source ILS solutions, RFID,
workflow optimization, and materials handling

On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 3:11 AM, Magnus Enger <> wrote:

> Dear Community!
> * GSOD #1
> Our very first Global Signoff Day (GSOD) was held on 2011-06-15.
> During the 48 hours that make up a day in all available time zones, we
> reduced the number of bugs that had status "Needs signoff" from about
> 76 to about 45. (There were some bugs that got the "Needs Signoff"
> status during the day, which complicates counting somewhat...)
> You can see a more or less complete list of what bugs were changed here:
> See the bottom of this page for some more numbers, and keep in mind
> that the dates there are relative to UTC:
> As far as I can tell we were about 6 people signing off on things
> during GSOD #1, which is not an astronomical figure, but i still think
> we made some good inroads into the queue. (A number of the remaining
> bugs are actually ones that depend on other bugs that have failed QA,
> so they are not really available for signing off.) Imagine what we
> could have done if there were more of us... ;-)
> * GSOD #2
> BibLibre have said all their staff will dedicate half a day every two
> weeks to signing off on bugs and similar tasks (woohoo!). I would like
> to propose another GSOD to coincide with their first such day, which
> is scheduled for 2011-07-08. Motto: "The more, the merrier"!
> Some questions spring to mind:
> - How can we get more people involved?
> - Should the name of the "event" reflect that other activities (such
> as closing bugs) are encouraged too?
> - How can we make it even more fun?
> -- Better/other lists and visualisations?
> -- Could we have the huginn bot on IRC annonunce new signoffs, the
> same way it does "needs signoff"s?
> -- Could we use some kind of VoIP/videoconferencing tools to make the
> social interactions seem more um... "real"?
> Or is GSOD a really bad idea, would it be better to channel our energy
> into making signoffs (and similar activities) look more like an
> ongoing task, and less something you only have to think about once a
> month?
> Best regards,
> Magnus Enger
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