
> 2011/11/22 Lori Bowen Ayre <>:
>>  The truth is that the law isn't really on the Koha community's side
>>  on this issue because of the sale of the domain to Liblime way back when.

    I think it's premature to say that. To my knowledge, this hasn't actually 
been navigated in court yet. Until our appeals are exhausted, I don't think we 
should give up. Doing so sends a message that it's okay for a large corporation 
to shove the public interest about. As far as what is in the name is concerned, 
it chafes me to see a native term, in especial that one, abused.

    We've already tried the way of the two row wampum. We've already said we'll 
be over here, you stay over there, and we'll mutually mind our own business. 
This has not stopped the personal attacks or the corporate ones. If it is a 
fight they want, then it is a fight they'll get.

> Putting aside the issue of whether we should fight this fight or not,
> the sale of the domain to Liblime has nothing to do with whether PTFS
> should own a trademark on the term Koha in New Zealand. Owning a
> domain name does not give you a trademark on that term.

    *nod* Even at the stage of owning a trademark, one must defend that 
trademark to retain it. I really do believe that the horse left the stall quite 
a while back. I'd love to see that tested in court.

> We were naive to let Liblime get a US trademark on Koha in the first
> place. We should not repeat that error.

    I agree, and certainly not in the birthplace of Koha. 


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