On 2012-01-5, at 1:56 PM, Chris Cormack wrote:

> On 5 January 2012 13:53, Paul <pau...@aandc.org> wrote:
>> At 02:56 AM 1/5/2012 +1300, Mason James wrote:
>>> On 2012-01-3, at 10:09 AM, Paul wrote:
>>>> Hoping someone can help, please.
>>>> We recently upgraded from 3.2 to 3.6.1 and nearly everything went well
>>>> during import of ~15,000 biblios, but something has happened to the
>>>> "authorities" -- only newly catalogued (i.e. using 3.6.1) authorities 
>>>> appear
>>>> in the staff search from
>>>> <http://koha-admin/cgi-bin/koha/authorities/authorities-home.pl>.
>>> have you tried rebuilding the zebra 'authorities' indexes/database?
>> koha@nelson:/usr/share/koha$ KOHA_CONF=/etc/koha/koha-conf.xml
>> PERL5LIB=/usr/share/koha/lib ./bin/migration_tools/rebuild_zebra.pl -b -a -r
>> 19:12:09-04/01 zebraidx(9447) [warn] MARC: Bad offsets in data. Skipping
>> rest
>> 19:12:09-04/01 zebraidx(9447) [warn] Record didn't contain match fields in
>> (bib1,Local-number)
>> So -- just the two "warns".  Can anyone tell me if the "skipping rest"
>> refers *only* to the one record, or if it aborted the whole re-indexing?

its skipping *all* records after. looks like you have a bad bib record

>>  I'm guessing it aborted the process, as a quick look shows that none of the
>> "missing" authorities have magically re-appeared.
> How about trying it without the -b, just -a to reindex authorities. Id
> add -v for verbose too

yes indeed - there was an small bug with rebuild_zebra.pl script when indexing 
both bibs and auth records using the xml switch (not sure if its fixed yet?)

for best results, use the -x (for xml option) on authority records alone, like 

$ ./bin/migration_tools/rebuild_zebra.pl -a -r -v -x

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