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Felipe Adalid Ortiz Anzaldo
Bibliotecario de sistemas
Universidad Iberoamericana Tijuana
Biblioteca Loyola
Ave. Centro Universitario 2501
Playas de Tijuana
22200, Tijuana, B.C.
0 664 630-1577 Ext. 623

"En una jerarquía, el poder lo tiene quien guarda secretos; en una red el poder 
lo obtiene quien disemina información”.
-John Perry Barlow->
>Subject: [Koha] Biblio deletion
>   From: library <libr...@katikaticollege.school.nz>
>   Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 09:33:03 +1300
>     To: koha@lists.katipo.co.nz
>Can anyone direct me to instructions on how to batch delete biblio records.
>I managed to batch delete the items attached to the records and now I need
>to delete the records themselves, but I really don't want to do this one at
>a time for over 1100 records. …Or have I misunderstood the process
>Best wishes
>Ann Murphy
>Katikati College
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