Here is what we found while solving the difficulty of our search results not 
showing even though records were there.

>From the tips & tricks: search info page 
>( )  Didn't understand much of 
>what was said here, but the last few words are a link to "a different post".  
>So, found the file names here ( ) and the 
>IT person helping though to look at the actual files to see what was in them.  
>I sent them to her to check to make sure permissions matched for running the 
>files. We've had issues with permissions before. 

This is what she found:

Here is  /etc/koha/zebradb/marc_defs/marc21/biblios/record.abs 

Not sure why melm 090 is commented out. ??

# This is a fairly simple example of a set of MARC21 indexing rules. It
# results in a server which provides a passable Bath level 0 and 1 service
# (author, title, subject, keyword and exact services). Feel free to
# elaborate on it, and if you do, please consider sharing your additions.
# NOTE: This is designed to be used with the grs.marcxml input filter
# for ISO2709 (ANSI Z39.2) or grs.xml for MARCXML-formatted records. It
# won't work for the old grs.marc input filter, which yields a different
# internal structure.
encoding utf-8
name marc21
attset bib1.att
attset gils.att
esetname F @
esetname B @

marc usmarc.mar
systag sysno rank
xpath enable
# Some notes:
# pl = Published Place
# ta = Target Audience 002/22
# ff8-23
# lf = Literary Form 008/33
# bio = Biography 008/34
# fmt = Format
# ln = Language
# ctype = Content type: review, catalog, encyclopedia, dictionary
# pubdate Publication Date
# rtype =  Record type (leader 06)
# Date indexing in Koha 3.0 for MARC21:
# Index                   Expected format         Notes
# date-entered-on-file    [yymmdd]        (008/0-5, indexed in word and sort 
# copydate                [yyyy]          (260$c, indexed in word and sort 
# acqdate                 [yyyy-mm-dd]    (952$d, indexed in date,word,sort 
# pubdate                 [yyyy]          (008/7-10, indexed in 
year,word,num,sort indexes)

all any
# melm 000      rtype:n:range(data,06,1),Bib-level:w:range(data,07,01)
xelm /record/leader 
# example: xelm /record/leader l1:w:range(data,0,5),l2:w:range(data,10,2)

melm 001        Control-number
melm 005        Date/time-last-modified
melm 007        

melm 008        

melm 010        LC-card-number,Identifier-standard
melm 011        LC-card-number,Identifier-standard
melm 015        
melm 017        Number-legal-deposit,Identifier-standard
melm 018        Identifier-standard
melm 020$a      ISBN:w,Identifier-standard:w
melm 020        Identifier-standard
melm 022$a      ISSN:w,Identifier-standard:w
melm 022        Identifier-standard
melm 023        Identifier-standard
melm 024$a      Identifier-other
melm 024        Identifier-standard
melm 025        Identifier-standard
melm 027        Report-number,Identifier-standard
melm 028        Number-music-publisher,Identifier-standard
melm 030        CODEN,Identifier-standard
#melm 033       Date
melm 034        Map-scale
#melm 035       Local-number,Identifier-standard
melm 037        Identifier-standard,Stock-number
melm 040        Code-institution,Record-source
melm 041$a      ln
melm 041$d      ln
melm 041$e      ln
melm 041$j      ln
melm 043        Code-geographic
#melm 046       pubdate
melm 050$b      LC-call-number:w,LC-call-number:p,LC-call-number:s
melm 050        LC-call-number:w,LC-call-number:p,LC-call-number:s
melm 052        Geographic-class
melm 060        NLM-call-number
melm 070        NAL-call-number
melm 080        UDC-classification
melm 082        Dewey-classification:w,Dewey-classification:s
melm 086        Number-govt-pub
#melm 942$k     LC-card-number:s

#melm 090$c     Local-number:w

So, we decided to uncomment the melm 090$c line.  Lo, and behold, our search is 
now functioning.  So, the question is, why is this line commented out on a 
fresh install?

StreamNet Regional Librarian
Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
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