Olugbenga Adara <gbengaad...@yahoo.com>
> Around what time will you be in Brighton? I will also be in London
> for some days after Kohacon. May be we can meet up?

If you're around after KohaCon, I humbly draw your attention to this
event run by me ol' muckers at OKFN:

The Open Knowledge Foundation’s Open Biblio group, DevCSI and the 
Working Group on Open Data in Cultural Heritage, present BiblioHack:


an open Hackathon to kick-start the summer months.

 From Wednesday 13th – Thursday 14th June, we’ll be meeting at Queen 
Mary, University of London, East London, and any budding hackers are 
welcome, along with anyone interested in opening up metadata and the 
open cause – this free event aims to bring together software developers, 
project managers, librarians and experts in the area of Open 
Bibliographic Data.

A workshop will run alongside the coding on the 13th, and a meet-up on 
the evening of the 12th is open to all whether you’re attending the 
Hackathon or not.

What is BiblioHack?

BiblioHack will be two days of hacking and sharing ideas about open 
bibliographic metadata.

There will be opportunities to hack on open bibliographic datasets and 
experiment with new prototypes and tools. The focus will be on building 
things and improving existing systems that enable people and 
institutions to get the most of bibliographic data.

If you’re a non-coder there are sessions for you too. We will be running 
a hands-on workshop addressing the technical aspects to opening up 
cultural heritage data looking at best of breed open source tools for 
doing that, preparing your data for a hackathon and the best standards 
for storing and exposing your data to make it more easily re-used.


Mr Mahendra Mahey

Project Manager DevCSI
Research Officer
Innovation Support Centre
University of Bath,

Mobile: ++44 (0) 07581069575
Fax: ++44 (0) 1225 386256

email: m.ma...@ukoln.ac.uk
skypeID: mr_mahendra_mahey

MJ Ray (slef), member of www.software.coop, a for-more-than-profit co-op.
http://koha-community.org supporter, web and library systems developer.
In My Opinion Only: see http://mjr.towers.org.uk/email.html
Available for hire (including development) at http://www.software.coop/
Koha mailing list  http://koha-community.org

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