On 31 May 2012 02:30, jrhsigler <jrhsig...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I need some help with a problem I've encountered in the circulation rules.
> About six months ago I set a global due date for May 17, the end of the
> semester. Since then, we've updated Koha a couple times, and I can no longer
> find the page where I set the global due date. (From my reading, it appears
> that this feature has been replaced with circ rules?) The system is still
> maintaining the May 17 due date. I'm not sure how to reset this. In the
> meantime, every time I check out a book, I have to confirm the action and
> manually create due dates. All books checked out now are immediately overdue
> I've made sure that there are no hard due dates set in the circulation
> rules, but this hasn't made any difference.
Can you find the systempreference in the localuse tab? Try looking in
that tab under systempreferences

If not, you can change it in the db.

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