Dear all

We wish to add the 035 tag into the Marcview, but we can't .......

If we're not wrong we have to modify* file, but it seems
it already have the "tag"configured here*
 <table id="marc">
        [% FOREACH tab0X IN tab0XX %]
        <tr><th colspan="2">[% tab0X.tag %]</th></tr>
        [% FOREACH subfiel IN tab0X.subfield %]
                    <td>[% subfiel.marc_lib %]</td>
                    <td>[% subfiel.marc_value %]</td>
            [% END %]
        [% END %]

We have also checked the koga framework and it is this posisiotn

0 => OPAC Intranet Editor !Collapsed

any suggestion?

thanks a lot!



*Hugo Agud - Orex Digital *




Avenida Sarriá 29 · 08029 Barcelona <>
:<>hugoaguda - Tel: 93
539 40 70 Fax: 93 539 33 30 ·

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*Hugo Agud - Orex Digital *




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