
and run:
> # /usr/local/bin/perl bin/migration_tools/ -b  -w
> To look messages try adding "-v" for verbose. print no messages, unless there are errors

> I also tried through "koha-zebra-daemon" (symlink to
> "./bin/")
> # /etc/init.d/koha-zebra-daemon  start
> Starting Zebra Server
> But this goes weird when I stop the daemon:
> # /etc/init.d/koha-zebra-daemon  stop
> Stopping Zebra Server
> daemon: fatal: failed to stop the koha-zebra-ctl.catalog_kohadb
> daemon: No such process
> Try looking the zebra logs. If there are permissions problems, zebra will
not run.
You have done a single install, look if all the files belongs to the
correct user,

And edit (or the link), the user and group is hardcoded,
if you are not
using the user koha, then you must change that in the script.

> That is said: When I start the daemon, this daemon does not really
> running, right? It said "Starting..", but failed to run.
> "ps aux | grep 'koha-zebra-daemon'" command also tells nothing.
> Exactly, do not beleive in the "Starting..." message, do
a "ps aux | grep zebra".

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