Hi Sander,

schrieb Sander898 am 14.07.2012 10:19:
> Hi everyone, 
> I have installed Koha 3.8.1 on Centos 6 (i386). 
> Everything is ok, but I have this problem:
> when I'm cataloging i cannot choose any language from the tag 101$a; I mean:
> if I try to open the sub menu for this tag nothing appear (the same
> situation for the tag 102$a):

The fields seem to be linked to authorized values. If that is the
case, you would have to fill them with values you want to choose
from. You can see what is linked to the fields in the MARC framework
configuration for the framework "Bibliotheca Custodialis Terrae
Sanctae" for the specific subfields.

- Mirko
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