On 23 July 2012 22:25, Hailuodon Kunnankirjasto
<m.kirjasto.hailu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, grts from Finland Europe!
> Ive been wondering has anybdy listed on one doc functional features of
> major Koha versions?
> I run live a experimental Koha 3.6.2. on periodicals of my 20 000 item'ish
> rural public library in Northern Finland.
> Now, I miss for my upcoming (due 1.1.2013) project reports general part a
> description of Koha's feature delevopment to ground my by-far-final version
> choice. :))
> 3.2
> 3.3
> 3.4
> 3.5.
> 3.6
> 3.7
> 3.8
> Any help? 3.8. and some earlier versions new features can be obtained but
> as far as I see it, the earlier feature specs have not been informed in any
> especially explicit manner.
> Especially from usability viewm not technical.
For a start, there never has been a 3.3.x, 3.5.x, or 3.7.x release.
Releases always have the second number an even number.
Also versions are always 3 numbers, 3.2.0, 3.2.1. 3.4.0 etc.

Also, the release notes are in the git repository. eg

Plus on the website eg http://koha-community.org/koha-3-8-3-released/

Hope this helps

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