On 25 July 2012 11:00, BWS Johnson <abesottedphoe...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Salvete!
>     Last meeting, I tried in vain to describe how cool the wikiHow Community 
> Dashboard is. Hopefully this link is viewable without logging in. Let me know 
> if you all can't see it, and I'll screenshot it and upload it to the wiki.
> http://www.wikihow.com/Special:CommunityDashboard

That does look fantastic.
There is a git repository for the Koha dashboard

That lives at

(In the next bit I will be using you a lot, this refers to the
collective you, or y'all :) not Brooke)

If people wanted to extend it, they are more than welcome to work on
it. I'm unlikely to get more free time to work on it in the near
future. These project always run into the problem of not enough hours
in the day. Which leads me to my next point, we need more people to
get involved. Something like the dashboard is great, you won't/can't
break Koha, no one will lose circulation statistics if you make a
mistake. It needs things you might have skills in, design, css, html,
javascript, wordsmithery (i just made that one up). It's a great intro
into getting more involved, then you can move to signing off.


Then let us know how you choose what to sign off.

So it can help us encourage others to do some.

You have a distinct advantage with Koha, you can have direct
influence, and a small change you make, say highlighting the needs
signoff section in a way that makes it stand out and thus get more
people looking at it, may get 20 new features into Koha.

Reading back, I sound like a bit of a idealistic/pompous fool, so I
feel like I should end with

"Hold your ground, hold your ground! Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my
brothers! I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart
of me. A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake
our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day.
An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes
crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that
you hold dear on this good Earth, I bid you *stand, Men of the West!*

Thus I have

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