MJ Ray <m...@phonecoop.coop> wrote:

>Nicole wrote:
>> Nope, it's a user conference. Vendors can sponsor the conference to
>> keep it free, but we don't have any kind of vendor hall or vendor
>> sales tables.
>Nicole is far too modest to link to
>http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=kohacon12 where you can see what it
>looked like this year, based mostly on the great photos taken by
>We had a sponsors and kohacon info table outside the room, sponsor
>credits displayed on the screen when people came back from breaks and
>sponsor details in the printed programmes, but no direct sales event
>as such.
If you do a Flickr search for kohacon10 you will see it was much the same, 
credits on the website and on screen between breaks.

But again no direct sales events or booths, it's not really that kind of 
conference. Which imho is a pleasant change.

I'd like to throw in my vote for 3+1+3 too. 

Really looking forward to it Edinburgh on June already seems ages ago


>Hope that informs,
>MJ Ray (slef), member of www.software.coop, a for-more-than-profit
>http://koha-community.org supporter, web and library systems developer.
>In My Opinion Only: see http://mjr.towers.org.uk/email.html
>Available for hire (including development) at http://www.software.coop/
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