
I keep this error during import

....Item not added (bib 25481, item tag #6, barcode ): invalid holdingbranch France

I don't see holdingbranch France.

I join to this message the notice.

In my database, when i look at the table, it gives that

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- phpMyAdmin XML Dump
- version 3.3.7deb7
- http://www.phpmyadmin.net
- Serveur: localhost
- Généré le : Jeu 13 Décembre 2012 à 16:45
- Version du serveur: 5.1.49
- Version de PHP: 5.3.3-7+squeeze14

<pma_xml_export version="1.0" xmlns:pma="http://www.phpmyadmin.net/some_doc_url/";>
     - Structure schemas
<pma:database name="koha2" collation="utf8_unicode_ci" charset="utf8">
             <pma:table name="branches">
                 CREATE TABLE `branches` (
                   `branchcode` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
                   `branchname` mediumtext NOT NULL,
                   `branchaddress1` mediumtext,
                   `branchaddress2` mediumtext,
                   `branchaddress3` mediumtext,
                   `branchzip` varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL,
                   `branchcity` mediumtext,
                   `branchstate` mediumtext,
                   `branchcountry` text,
                   `branchphone` mediumtext,
                   `branchfax` mediumtext,
                   `branchemail` mediumtext,
                   `branchurl` mediumtext,
                   `issuing` tinyint(4) DEFAULT NULL,
                   `branchip` varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL,
                   `branchprinter` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
                   `branchnotes` mediumtext,
                   `opac_info` text,
                   PRIMARY KEY (`branchcode`)
                 ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;

     - Base de données: 'koha2'
     <database name="koha2">
         <!-- Table branches -->
         <table name="branches">
             <column name="branchcode">ECAM</column>
             <column name="branchname">ECP</column>
             <column name="branchaddress1"></column>
             <column name="branchaddress2"></column>
             <column name="branchaddress3"></column>
             <column name="branchzip"></column>
             <column name="branchcity"></column>
             <column name="branchstate"></column>
             <column name="branchcountry"></column>
             <column name="branchphone"></column>
             <column name="branchfax"></column>
             <column name="branchemail"></column>
             <column name="branchurl"></column>
             <column name="issuing">NULL</column>
             <column name="branchip"></column>
             <column name="branchprinter">NULL</column>
             <column name="branchnotes"></column>
             <column name="opac_info"></column>

If someone can light my way to solve it, it would be great. It's the last step



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