This bug was corrected in 3.10.1. Ask your support to updgrade your Koha.
If you cannnot, revert BZ8378. This is the origin of your problem.

M. Saby

Le 25/01/2013 19:02, Elaine Bradtke a écrit :
We have got a bad case of gremlins,  over due notices are going out to the
wrong e-mail addresses. I need to shut this down until we can fix the
problem.  But I'm not sure how to do that.  Any help?
Koha 3.10

Mathieu Saby
Service d'Informatique Documentaire
Service Commun de Documentation
Université Rennes 2
Téléphone : 02 99 14 12 65
Courriel : mathieu.s...@univ-rennes2.fr

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