Dear All Koha Users,

Is it possible to operate 100 libraries centrally having data of 2million books?
==>With one installation of Koha: You can create 100 branches libraries with 
one shared database with 2 million books.
or you can create 100 libraries with 100 different databases  (but with 200 
millions books- i think not good for your server...)

Is it possible to issue and return books off line when internet is not 
==> Yes, tool works in Firefox 

Is it possible to give user only few rights i.e. cataloging and circulation?
==> Yes, create some staff, give them few permission (for example work with 
circulation, cataloging, not work with system-preferences )

Is it possible to make two data bases at a time i.e one for client and one for 
main server in case more than 100 libraries in one system?
==> i answered before, not 2 database, but 100... or you need make one more 
installation in another server

Can I change MARC fields for my users i.e. limited fields only
==> Not very clearly what you want, but you can change MARC fields as you want

Can pre printed bar code lables be pasted on books while using Koha i.e. (I 
want to take a detail, let say we have a bar code # 1  i.e. pre printed and we 
want to add this # 1 in our koha, is this possible?
==> YOu can pre-print barcode labels and pasted on books. Then you can use a 
barcode scan to add it into Koha. Only one thing, it must be original. Koha 
accept 1 barcode for 1 item.
Koha has a tools, which help you to print out barcode of books, which you 

I would really be thankful to you for your guidance,
==>You're welcome!
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