Hello Koha Community
My name's Mark Johnson, and I work for OSS Watch at the University of Oxford. Recently, we published a document entitled "Open Source Options for Education"[1] which includes a mention of Koha.

After we announced the document's publication, we received some feedback from the Koha community via Twitter that we'd given the wrong link and a misleading example of Koha's usage, so I've come here to make sure that we can set it right.

We've not changed the link for Koha to point to koha-community.org, as requested by a message on Twitter[2].

We were also informed that our example of Koha being used at the University of the West of England was in fact "LibLime Academic Koha", which "is not FOSS, nor has it ever been"[3]. This is obviously a misunderstanding on my part. It was my understanding that LibLime was simply a company providing commercial support for the open source Koha product. Am I now correct in believing that it (also?) produces a separate, closed-source product called "LibLime Academic Koha"? Any background to this would be very much appreciated.

Finally, if anyone would be willing to share an example of the open source Koha system being used in their educational institution for me to use in place of the UWE example, particularly if they are based in the UK, I would be very grateful indeed!

Many Thanks
Mark Johnson

[1] http://www.oss-watch.ac.uk/resources/ossoptionseducation
[2] https://twitter.com/nengard/status/293088894000451585
[3] https://twitter.com/KohaAloha/status/293313158410534913

Mark Johnson
Development Manager
OSS Watch http://oss-watch.ac.uk
Koha mailing list  http://koha-community.org

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