Hi to all

We have a quite strange case... the lost option has disappear from the item

In fact when we installed the software we *don't copied *any option values,
then no LOST status were copied from the installation, we have not dived
into it...  the lost is not here in edit or in new item.... but we can
modify the lost option in mysql and works fine....

has anybody any experience on this?

Thank you in advance ...

   1. 0 - Withdrawn status   Withdrawn
   3. 2 - Source of classification or shelving scheme  Dewey Decimal
   Classification Library of Congress Classification Universal Decimal
   4. 3 - Materials specified (bound volume or other part)
   5. 4 - Damaged status  0 Damaged
   6. 5 - Use restrictions  0 Restricted Access


*Hugo Agud - Orex Digital *




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