> I'm installing Koha-3.12.00-beta1 tarball. Everything looks right, untill
> i met web install struction:
> Koha>web installer>step 1,2 00 - Ok
> Koha>Web installer>step 3- error with this message
> "Web installer › Step 3
> The following error occurred while importing the database structure:
> ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 1004: You have an
> error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your
> MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`reservesallowed`
> smallint(6) NOT NULL default "0",  `branchcode` varchar(10) ' at line 20
> Please contact your system administrator
> "
> Anyone, who did install it, show me why, please? Do i have problem with my
> mysql
> server?

There was a syntax error in beta1, and it looks like I forgot to upload a
revised tarball after pushing the fix. Sorry! I will prepare a beta2, and
upload that now.


Jared Camins-Esakov
Bibliographer, C & P Bibliography Services, LLC
(phone) +1 (917) 727-3445
(e-mail) jcam...@cpbibliography.com
(web) http://www.cpbibliography.com/
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