Dear all
Do you know if the lists owners could have changed with our recent Koha 
update?I have checked the Koha manual, I have googled whatever I could, I just 
can't find much information about these public lists.  How do we change the 
owner?  We have got a librarian here, she used to be able to add items in some 
lists (I am not sure whether she was the lists owner or not, but at least she 
could add items), no she can't.Also, I have just tried myself.  If I create a 
public list with everyone being allowed to do anything, then really it works, 
everyone can use it.  But we can't use any more the lists we used to use 
before, there is noone written in the "created by" column for these lists, and 
we don't know how to change that.  Another way of solving the problem for us, 
could be that I create new lists with everyone being allowed to use them again, 
and then export the contents of the old useless lists, but I can't find in the 
manual how to export / copy / paste / do-anything-really with
  the public lists.
Any help would be appreciated...

> From:
> To:
> Date: Tue, 14 May 2013 11:45:51 +0200
> Subject: [Koha] Can't add items in public lists any more...
> Hello
> We have just updated Koha (with the last release) and since then we can't add 
> items into public lists anymore.
> Any idea why or what to do about it?
> Thanks for your help!
> Sonia.
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