
There are tarball instructions on the Wiki for Ubuntu already.

However, in an effort to get people to not go backwards, I am not providing the link. is where the Koha wiki is.

As Chris has pointed out, upgrading is so much easier with packages. This was the biggest selling point for me, because nothing says easy like:
   $ sudo apt-get update
   $ sudo apt-get install koha-common
-- This will upgrade koha-common, and other related dependencies. This won't work for the dependencies if you've CPAN'd several of the libraries, but that's another lesson which goes to emphasize that installing from source, when you can install from packages, means installing from source indefinitely, which is time consuming!

As Magnus has pointed out, littering the internet with stale instructions is bad in general, because it can cause people to get the wrong impression of Koha,when the real problem is poor, unreviewed documentation.

Magnus wrote:
PS: The correct name is "Koha", not "KOHA". ;-)

Yes. Koha is a word, not an acronym. This is why KOHA is wrong, unless you are attempting to shout the awesomeness of it. ;)

Mark Tompsett
Koha mailing list

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