On 25 September 2013 07:54, Shiva Kumara <shivu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> ****Greeting for the day****
> I have upgraded koha from 3.8.4 to 3.10.04 version. The database backup
> restored successfully.Opac search is working fine, but opaclook and feel
> customization had not been restored same, it seems to be a plain page. I
> could tried to customize opac by setting opac parameter in global system
> preference. Everything comes in plain main single page, there is no
> navigation bar for left and right. And also, opac search bar looks plain,
> there is no koha logo and masthed color. How would I make koha as default
> opac features (koha logo, masthed color in search bar, navigation for left
> and right, etc)
> Kindly suggest me useful tips, It would be greatly appriciated.
My guess is one of your stylesheets is missing, if you are using
firefox, you could install firebug, and watch the network panel and
see if there are 404s happening

Also try doing a shift-reload to flush your caches

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