Hi folks!

Chiming in rather late on this discussion and although I don't have experience 
in AccessIT, I am currently in the process of migrating from an Australian 
system called Bookmark to Koha.  Bookmark, like AccessIT, does not export in 
MARC format.  Instead, it exports catalogue and holdings data in a TXT file.  I 
copied/pasted the TXT file into an Excel spreadsheet.  As Bookmark's catalogue 
records are not MARC-compliant, I then had to strip out a lot of the data to 
produce brief catalogue/holdings records and then used MarcEdit to convert into 
MARC records that could be imported into Koha.  I am now adding the holdings 
data manually to the catalogue records, which is a very tedious but doable 
process as I only had 3.5k items - Bookmark has a separate catalogue record for 
each item so I have a lot of duplicates to delete later on. I was fortunate in 
that I didn't have any patron or circulation records to export.  And I had 
previously exported full catalogue records from Libraries
  Australia and, when I imported them into Koha, used a matching rule of ISBN 
to replace the brief catalogue records when they were imported.

What I have learnt from this process is that I could have saved myself a lot of 
effort by ensuring that the Default MARC framework in Koha was complete, 
especially the 9xx fields, so that I could map the Bookmark fields to the 
appropriate Koha fields.  This is particularly important when using MarcEdit to 
convert the records.  I found that the holdings data did not transfer across 
correctly because of mapping issues (hence the tedious manual input).

I did look at the Perl csv-to-MARC utility but my IT skills were not up to 
that.  MarcEdit worked very nicely for me once I got the hang of it (it took a 
few tries and a realisation going home one night that I needed to delete the 
header row from my Excel spreadsheet to get it to work properly).

Hopefully, the above will give you some idea of how you might be able to move 
from AccessIT.



Catherine Kerrigan  :::  Librarian and Projects Officer
T 08 8299 7300  ::: F 08 8172 0504
Adelaide Central School of Art ::: PO Box 225 Fullarton SA 5063
7 Mulberry Road Glenside SA 5065 ::: (adjacent to the Adelaide Film Studios)

Library news<http://www.acsalibrary.blogspot.com.au/>

Adelaide Central School of Art is now located adjacent to the Adelaide Film 
Studios in the Glenside Cultural Precinct.
Please call to book a tour of our new facilities.

In the School
Semester 2 - 15 July - 29 November 2013
Short Courses - Term 4 program - Download 

In the Gallery
Wyld Stallyns - work by Johnnie Dady, James Dodd, Rohan Fraser & Glenn Kestell
20 September - 25 October

Artist Talks 12.15 - 1.00 pm in the Central Gallery
3 October James Dodd
15 October Johnnie Dady & Glenn Kestell

 Preview the works online 

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