Shiva Kumara schreef op wo 13-11-2013 om 17:06 [+0530]:
> We had installed koah 3.12.06 on ubuntu, we noticed that while
> searching webopac by author field got software errors. But we noticed
> small
> “a” prefixed with author name, if we go search like “aAuthor” then
> only
> search results are positive. What could be the problem?

You don't tell us what the software errors actually are, without them we
can't do anything except guess. It sounds pretty strange though. Can you
also include the URLs that result when it works and when it doesn't? For
searching issues, it's also worth doing a full zebra rebuild, just in
case something has upset the search index.

How have you installed Koha, by packages or by another method?

Robin Sheat
Catalyst IT Ltd.
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