
Please help me to find a solution for  correcting the  overdue fine
calculating process. It seems  the system behave unusual manner.
We, Open University of Sri Lanka recently moved to  Koha,  our
installation is less than 1 month old.

Our Koha has  serious overdue fines  calculation error. For  an
example  in a category (lets called 'UGS')- ( same set of rule fine
policy) not apply same way to  its the members
It hard to believe, I repeatedly checked  the category rules and Cron
but not any unusual.

More cases;

Scenario -1 : The Koha  calculates the  fines for overdue items in two
different ways even though the members are in a  same category(UGS)
Scenario -2 : lets say, A member  in a Category (UGS) has borrowed  2
books  on  a (same) day, but the system shows only one  book has
overdue fines other book  not

The sever running in a Ubundu 12.04 in a sever computer, Koha 3.14v


Harsha Blasooriya
Senior Assistant Librarian, System
The Open University of Sri Lanka
Tel: 011-2881030
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