
I figured it out - we needed to limit to LOC authorized values:

SELECT IFNULL(a.lib,'*GRAND TOTAL*') as Location, thingy.circs AS
Circulations FROM (select i.location as loction, count(s.datetime) as
circs from statistics s left join items i using (itemnumber) left join
borrowers p using (borrowernumber) where s.type in ('issue','renew')
and p.categorycode != 'LIBRARYUSE' and s.branch=<<Check out/renewal
branch|branches>> and s.datetime between
<<Checked out or renewed between (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> and <<and
(yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> group by i.location with rollup ) AS thingy LEFT
JOIN authorised_values a on thingy.loction=a.authorised_value
where a.category='LOC'

On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 1:08 PM, Nick Clemens <> wrote:
> Here's a thought, it might be an error in the authorized values., and I
> think it is a bug
> I recreated it on our system by adding an authorized_value in a different
> category with the same value as one in the LOC:
> i.e.
> I added AFIC to our Vendor category, with description Error!  The system
> doesn't throw an error, and I can't see that value in the listing, but it is
> then 'Adult Fiction' is duplicated in my report
> Is the issue clear?
> On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 7:04 PM, Nicole Engard <> wrote:
>> Okay, any idea why the Juveasy might be showing 2 times?
>> I added the location code in case that was it - they're identical as
>> are their numbers.
>> On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 1:50 PM, Nicole Engard <> wrote:
>> > Thank you so much Nick!!
>> >
>> > Nicole
> --
> Nick Clemens
> Quechee & Wilder Libraries
> Q (802) 295-1232 W (802) 295-6341
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