
In KOHA (as far as I know!) any item type can either be "for loan" or "not for 
loan". Our KOHA settings do not allow members to place hold on items that are  
available on shelf. Needless to say items under 'reference' also cannot be put 
on hold.

When new books are added they are classified as 'Recent Additions' and are 
placed on the 'Recent Additions Shelf" for display for a week. Item type 
'Recent Additions' falls under 'not for loan' and thus cannot be issued until 
the items are reclassified to 'Books' while shelving. (This ensures that 
members do not issue a book that is on display.)

The downside of this system is that since the item is under 'not for loan and 
available on shelf' members are unable to place hold on items that they would 
like to issue as soon as it is shelved.

Can anyone suggest a way where members can place hold on items that are 
recently added but is on display?


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