"Note that it looked like your data also had multiple entries in one 999
$c field, separated with '|'. That's weird, and this won't find that. On
the other hand, you can just do "WHERE field LIKE "%|%"" to catch those."

Yes, that is weird. I'm trying to figure out where it is coming from.  In a
few cases I've seen like the one I posted, it appears they are multiple
editions of the same book, in which case the cataloguer probably duplicated
the record.  I haven't tested this theory out, but I could see where it
might just add in another biblionumber to the string already there.

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 11:57 PM, Robin Sheat <ro...@catalyst.net.nz> wrote:

> Elaine Bradtke schreef op ma 05-05-2014 om 22:55 [+0100]:
> >  I've got something that extracts the biblio numbers from the 999c. Is
> > there any way to ask it to only show the ones that contain multiple 999c?
> >
> >
> > SELECT biblionumber, ExtractValue(marcxml,
> > '//datafield[@tag="999"]/subfield[@code="c"]') AS comp FROM
> > biblioitems
> This is totally untested, but you might be able to use the XPath count()
> function in your ExtractValue. So,:
> ExtractValue(marcxml, 'count(//datafield[@tag="999"]/subfield[@code="c"])')
> An example here:
> http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/xml-functions.html#function_extractvalue
> Note that it looked like your data also had multiple entries in one 999
> $c field, separated with '|'. That's weird, and this won't find that. On
> the other hand, you can just do "WHERE field LIKE "%|%"" to catch those.
> --
> Robin Sheat
> Catalyst IT Ltd.
> ✆ +64 4 803 2204
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Elaine Bradtke
Data Wrangler
English Folk Dance and Song Society | http://www.efdss.org
Cecil Sharp House, 2 Regent's Park Road, London NW1 7AY
Tel    +44 (0) 20 7485 2206 (This number is for the English Folk Dance and
Song Society in London, England. If you wish to phone me personally, send
an e-mail first. I work off site)
Registered Company No. 297142
Charity Registered in England and Wales No. 305999
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