Hi, all--

There are many things that I don't understand about serials in 3.16--maybe
one of the developers could help explain?  E.g. when entering or modifying
a subscription, the contextual help says:

> 'Numbering pattern' will help you determine how the numbers are printed
for each issue
> Start with the numbering on the issue you have in hand, the numbering
that matches the date > you entered in the 'First issue publication' field

Is that what goes in "Last value?" What is the purpose of "Inner counter?"

> If you have chosen any 'Numbering Format' other than 'Number' in the
'Rollover at' field, enter
> the last issue number before the volume number changes

Where on the screens is the "Rollover at" field?  To what is this referring?

> If you chose the 'Number' Numbering Format you will see 'issues expected'
in which you will
> enter the total number of issues you expect to receive.

Where on the screens is "Issues expected?"

In the manual itself says at:

"The 'Inner counter' is usually only needed in the first field (the
'Volume' in the image above) to help with the rollover of the number. The
'Inner counter' is 1 less than the last field. If the 'Number' is 4 the
'Inner counter' under 'Volume' should be 3"

I don't understand what "The 'Inner counter' is 1 less than the last
field," means--which "last field?" "Last field" where? What is this "last
field" called on the screen? I also don't understand what "If the 'Number'
is 4 the 'Inner counter' under 'Volume' should be 3" is supposed to mean.

Maybe a developer could help explain?  Maybe a developer is working on
updating the contextual help to match the screens, so that the manual could
then be updated?

I'm no serials newbie--I've worked extensively on ILS's going back to the
old Innovacq that ran on a mainframe, but I find 3.16 serials byzantine--I
can't guess what the developers are intending the values to do or how they
are intended to work together.  Screenshots are helpful as models from
which I can hack new subs via trial and error, but I want to understand
what the values are supposed to be doing & how they're supposed to work
together, and the contextual help isn't matching the screen options...>_<
So I'd really appreciate any clarification--maybe developer(s) could help?

Thanks so much, everyone!

Heather Hernandez
Technical Services Librarian
San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park Research Center
415-561-7032 (voice)       415-556-3540 (fax)

"The sailor does not pray for wind, he learns to sail."--Gustaf Lindborg
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