Hello everyone,

   I'm looking for some thoughts/opinions.   I have a working 3.14.04
"package install" environment running on a 4-core 3.6GHz system with 8GB
RAM.  The OS is Debian 32-bit running as a VM on top of VMware ESXi.  This
single VM is allocated pretty much all of the physical hardware resources in
the system...just wanted the flexibility of adding a "test" VM environment
later perhaps.   We are noticing that most functions are quite slow,
including check-ins, check-outs, and patron lookups.   I've monitored the
system for a bit and am seeing that mysqld is consuming 100% of all 4 CPUs
consistently during the slowness.   What I'm wondering is:

-          Does this seem normal to folks?  Should a relatively small
environment (less than 2000 patrons and just over 11,000 items) be consuming
that much CPU?

-          Could it be VMware?

-          Could it be the 32-bit OS?   The version of VMware I installed
wouldn't allow me to create a 64-bit Debian VM.

-          Are there any MySQL tuning parameters I should consider?

-          Any other thoughts/ideas on what I should look at?


Thanks all!


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