Hi Heiko,

This certainly worked in the past, but maybe a regression has crept in
somewhere (if you do a git log C4/Auth_with_ldap.pm, there are plenty of
patches related to the patron attributes code).  If your sure it's still
not working, you'de probably be well served by posting a bug on the
community bugzilla. http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/ to attract
the attention of some of the ldap guru's a bit ;)

Sorry I couldn't be of more help in this regard.

As for the MD5 patch, that's interesting, that might also be a good patch
to post up to bugzilla in it's own entry. It's great sharing to the
community, and someone else might find your work very useful indeed. If you
do however, I'd recommend having a quick look at the coding guidelines (
http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Coding_Guidelines ) as they should give
you a great start in terms of getting your patch accepted.



Martin Renvoize
Software Engineer, PTFS Europe Ltd
Content Management and Library Solutions
Landline: 0203 286 8685
Mobile: 07725985636


On 23 July 2014 16:40, Heiko Weier <h.we...@tuhh.de> wrote:

> Hi all,
> we are testing Koha (3.16.01) with openldap and have an error with
> extended patron attributes.
> DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Unknown column 'preflang' in 'field list'
> at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/Auth_with_ldap.pm line 320, <DATA> line 522.
> 'preflang' is one of our extended attributes.
> Mapping in koha-conf.xml is done.
> intranet-error.log (with debug) shows all attribs and values from ldap
> incuding the extended ones without failure.
> When it comes to update the extended fields, the error shows up.
> [Wed Jul 23 17:00:13 2014] [error] [client] [Wed Jul 23
> 17:00:13 2014] mainpage.pl: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Unknown
> column 'preflang' in 'field list' at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/Auth_with
> [Wed Jul 23 17:00:13 2014] [error] [client] [Wed Jul 23
> 17:00:13 2014] mainpage.pl: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Unknown
> column 'preflang' in 'field list' at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/Auth_with
> Can anybody help?
> We patched  Auth_with_ldap.pm a bit, because passwords in our ldap are
> stored with MD5. Maybe it is useful for others.
> Insert at the top:
>    use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_base64);
> Search for this line:
>    my $cmpmesg = $db->compare( $userldapentry, attr=>'userpassword',
> value => $password );
> exchange with this one
>    my $cmpmesg = $db->compare( $userldapentry, attr=>'userpassword',
> value => "{MD5}".md5_base64($password)."==" );
> Regards
> --
> Heiko Weier           Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg
> Fachreferent          Bibliothek
> Tel.: 040-42878-3449  Denickestr. 22
> Fax.: 040-42878-2527  21073 Hamburg
> WWW : http://www.tub.tu-harburg.de
> PGP Key
> http://www.tub.tu-harburg.de/ext/keys/Heiko_Weier_pub.asc
> D8DF 3FFD 3910 AB1C 12D2 940B 65B6 2A73 524A 2C1E
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