I decided to go ahead and try to implement prompting for the year inside of
the Koha report and here's the SQL I came up with (enter the year twice when

SELECT month(returndate) AS `MONTH`, COUNT(*) AS `OVERDUES`
FROM old_issues WHERE returndate > date_due AND returndate > concat(<<START
YEAR (yyyy)>>,'-01-01 00:00:00') AND returndate < concat(<<END YEAR
(yyyy)>>,'-12-31 23:59:59')
GROUP BY month(returndate) WITH ROLLUP;

Perhaps this may be a useful report to others..."Number of overdues per
month".  You can actually enter a different "start year" and "end year" and
it still shows the number of overdues by month...maybe you'll see some
trends where patrons are consistently returning items late in one particular


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