MJ Ray schreef op vr 01-08-2014 om 07:45 [+0200]:
> I'd suggest that more records in the collection increases the chance
> of something strange or undocumented that causes problems in one
> record, which is one reason why migration quotes increase with
> collection size.

In my experience, it seems to be roughly logarithmic.

So, a 1,000 record system will have almost as many oddities as a 10,000
record system which will have almost as many oddities as a 100,000
record system.

In no small part this tends to be due to the software handling the
larger systems does a better job at data integrity and exporting. I've
seen small systems where the XML exporter (which is the only way to get
everything out) produces invalid XML, and larger systems where
everything is pretty much a normalised database dump, exported with
proper escape characters and consistent character sets. 

The smaller systems are also less good at enforcing data consistency,
and I expect that the staff at smaller places tend to be a bit more
relaxed about what's going into the system.

Robin Sheat
Catalyst IT Ltd.
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