You are on the right track Chrispin ;)

Do not put the $(document).ready and this should work.

Can you try the following :

  $("#auth legend:contains('Log in to your account')").text("Log in to your library 
  $("#auth label[for='userid']").html("Library Card Number:");
  $("#auth label[for='password']").html("PIN:");

  var holdlinks = $("a:contains('Place Hold'),a:contains('Place hold')");
  $(holdlinks).text("Get It Now!");

  $("input[value='Place Hold']").attr("value","Get  It Now!");
  $("a:contains('Browse Shelf')").text("See Similar Items");

Hope that helps,


On 2014-08-10 04:07, Chrispin Simasiku Sitali wrote:
Greetings to all,

How would I add multiple statements in opacuserjs. e.g.

   $("#auth legend:contains('Log in to your account')").text("Log in to your
library account");
   $("#auth label[for='userid']").html("Library Card Number:");
   $("#auth label[for='password']").html("PIN:");

   var holdlinks = $("a:contains('Place Hold'),a:contains('Place hold')");
   $(holdlinks).text("Get It Now!");
   $("input[value='Place Hold']").attr("value","Get  It Now!");

     $("a:contains('Browse Shelf')").text("See Similar Items");

Please help. Teaching myself all this!

Sitali Chrispin Simasiku

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