Most likely no perl modules. 
Check for packages PERL needed for KOHA - /perl -m -u/
Install missing  - /sudo cpan <name_perl_modules>/


gopiii wrote
> By default, Koha can be installed in one of three ways:
> standard: Install files in conformance with the Filesystem
>           Hierarchy Standard (FHS).  This is the default mode
>           and should be used when installing a production
>           Koha system.  On Unix systems, root access is 
>           needed to complete a standard installation.
> single:   Install files under a single directory.  This option
>           is useful for installing Koha without root access, e.g.,
>           on a web host that allows CGI scripts and MySQL databases
>           but requires the user to keep all files under the user's
>           HOME directory.
> dev:      Create a set of symbolic links and configuration files to
>           allow Koha to run directly from the source distribution.
>           This mode is useful for developers who want to run
>           Koha from a git clone.
> Installation mode (dev, single, standard) [dev] 
> Please specify the directory in which to install Koha's
> active configuration files and (if applicable) the
> Zebra database.  Koha's CGI scripts and templates will
> be run from the current directory.
> Configuration directory: [/home/emckerala/koha-dev] 
> Please specify which database engine you will use
> to store data in Koha.  The choices are MySQL and
> PostgreSQL; please note that at the moment
> PostgreSQL support is highly experimental.
> DBMS to use (Pg, mysql) [mysql] 
> Please specify the name or address of your 
> database server.  Note that the database 
> does not have to exist at this point, it
> can be created after running 'make install'
> and before you try using Koha for the first time.
> Database server [localhost] 
> Please specify the port used to connect to the
> DMBS [3306] 
> Please specify the name of the database to be
> used by Koha [koha] 
> Please specify the user that owns the database to be
> used by Koha [kohaadmin] 
> Please specify the password of the user that owns the 
> database to be used by Koha [katikoan] 
> Koha can use the Zebra search engine for high-performance
> searching of bibliographic and authority records.  If you
> have installed the Zebra software and would like to use it,
> please answer 'yes' to the following question.  Otherwise, 
> Koha will default to using its internal search engine.
> Please note that if you choose *NOT* to install Zebra,
> koha-conf.xml will still contain some references to Zebra
> settings.  Those references will be ignored by Koha.
> Install the Zebra configuration files? (no, yes) [yes] 
> Unable to find the Zebra programs 'zebrasrv' and 'zebraidx'
> in your PATH or in some of the usual places.  If you haven't
> installed Zebra yet, please do so and run Makefile.PL again.
> Since you've chosen to use Zebra with Koha,
> you must specify the primary MARC format of the
> records to be indexed by Zebra.
> Koha provides Zebra configuration files for MARC 21
> and UNIMARC.
> MARC format for Zebra indexing (marc21, unimarc) [marc21] 
> Koha supplies Zebra configuration files tuned for
> searching either English (en) or French (fr) MARC
> records.
> Primary language for Zebra indexing (en, fr) [en] 
> Koha can use one of  two different indexing modes 
> for the MARC authorities records:
> grs1 - uses the Zebra GRS-1 filter, available 
>        for legacy support
> dom  - uses the DOM XML filter; offers improved
>        functionality.
> Authorities indexing mode (dom, grs1) [dom] 
> Please specify Zebra database user [kohauser] 
> Please specify the Zebra database password [zebrastripes] 
> Since you've chosen to use Zebra, you can enable the SRU/
> Z39.50 Server if you so choose, but you must specify a
> few configuration options for it.
> Please note that if you choose *NOT* to configure SRU,
> koha-conf.xml will still contain some references to SRU
> settings.  Those references will be ignored by Koha.
> Install the SRU configuration files? (no, yes) [no] 
> Since you've chosen to use Zebra, you can also choose to
> install PazPar2, which is a metasearch tool.  With PazPar2,
> Koha can perform on-the-fly merging of bibliographic
> records during searching, allowing for FRBRization of
> the results list.
> Install the PazPar2 configuration files? [no] 
> Use memcached and memoize to cache the results of some function calls? 
> This provides a signficant performance improvement. 
> You will need a Memcached server running. (no, yes) [no] 
> Would you like to run the database-dependent test suite? (no, yes) [no] 
> Koha will be installed with the following configuration parameters:
> AUTH_INDEX_MODE          dom
> DB_HOST                  localhost
> DB_NAME                  koha
> DB_PASS                  katikoan
> DB_PORT                  3306
> DB_TYPE                  mysql
> DB_USER                  kohaadmin
> INSTALL_BASE             /home/emckerala/koha-dev
> INSTALL_MODE             dev
> INSTALL_PAZPAR2          no
> INSTALL_SRU              no
> INSTALL_ZEBRA            yes
> KOHA_INSTALLED_VERSION   no_version_found
> USE_MEMCACHED            no
> ZEBRA_LANGUAGE           en
> ZEBRA_MARC_FORMAT        marc21
> ZEBRA_PASS               zebrastripes
> ZEBRA_USER               kohauser
> and in the following directories:
> DOC_DIR                  $(DESTDIR)/home/emckerala/koha-dev/doc
> INTRANET_CGI_DIR         $(DESTDIR)/var/www/koha/cgi
> INTRANET_TMPL_DIR        $(DESTDIR)/var/www/koha/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl
> INTRANET_WWW_DIR         $(DESTDIR)/var/www/koha/koha-tmpl
> KOHA_BASE_DIR            $(DESTDIR)/var/www/koha
> KOHA_CONF_DIR            $(DESTDIR)/home/emckerala/koha-dev/etc
> LOG_DIR                  $(DESTDIR)/home/emckerala/koha-dev/var/log
> MAN_DIR                  $(DESTDIR)/home/emckerala/koha-dev/man
> MISC_DIR                 $(DESTDIR)/home/emckerala/koha-dev/misc
> OPAC_CGI_DIR             $(DESTDIR)/var/www/koha/cgi
> OPAC_TMPL_DIR            $(DESTDIR)/var/www/koha/koha-tmpl/opac-tmpl
> OPAC_WWW_DIR             $(DESTDIR)/var/www/koha/koha-tmpl
> PAZPAR2_CONF_DIR         $(DESTDIR)/home/emckerala/koha-dev/etc/pazpar2
> PERL_MODULE_DIR          $(DESTDIR)/var/www/koha/lib
> SCRIPT_DIR               $(DESTDIR)/home/emckerala/koha-dev/bin
> SCRIPT_NONDEV_DIR        $(DESTDIR)/home/emckerala/koha-dev/bin
> ZEBRA_CONF_DIR           $(DESTDIR)/home/emckerala/koha-dev/etc/zebradb
> ZEBRA_DATA_DIR          
> $(DESTDIR)/home/emckerala/koha-dev/var/lib/zebradb
> ZEBRA_LOCK_DIR          
> $(DESTDIR)/home/emckerala/koha-dev/var/lock/zebradb
> ZEBRA_RUN_DIR           
> $(DESTDIR)/home/emckerala/koha-dev/var/run/zebradb
> To change any configuration setting, please run
> perl Makefile.PL again.  To override one of the target
> directories, you can do so on the command line like this:
> perl Makefile.PL PERL_MODULE_DIR=/usr/share/perl/5.8
> You can also set different default values for parameters
> or override directory locations by using environment variables.
> For example:
> export DB_USER=my_koha
> perl Makefile.PL
> or
> DB_USER=my_koha DOC_DIR=/usr/local/info perl Makefile.PL
> If installing on a Win32 platform, be sure to use:
> 'dmake -x MAXLINELENGTH=300000'
> Warning: prerequisite Algorithm::CheckDigits 0.5 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Biblio::EndnoteStyle 0.05 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Business::ISBN 2.05 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite CGI::Compile 0.15 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite CGI::Emulate::PSGI 0.14 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite CGI::Session 4.2 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite CGI::Session::Serialize::yaml 4.2 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite CHI 0.49 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Cache::Memcached 1.24 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Cache::Memcached::Fast 0.19 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Class::Factory::Util 1.6 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Clone 0.31 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite DBD::SQLite 0.33 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite DBIx::Connector 0.47 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Data::ICal 0.13 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Data::Money 0.06 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Date::Calc 5.4 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Date::ICal 1.72 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Date::Manip 5.44 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite DateTime 0.65 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite DateTime::Format::DateParse 0.05 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite DateTime::Format::Strptime 1.5 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Email::Date 1.103 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite File::Slurp 9999.13 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite GD 2.39 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite GD::Barcode::UPCE 1.1 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite HTML::Scrubber 0.08 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite HTML::Template::Pro 0.69 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite HTTP::Exception 0.03001 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite HTTP::OAI 3.2 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite JSON 2.07 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Lingua::Stem 0.82 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite List::MoreUtils 0.21 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite MARC::Charset 0.98 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite MARC::Crosswalk::DublinCore 0.02 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite MARC::Field::Normalize::NACO 0.02 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite MARC::File::XML 0.88 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite MARC::Record 2 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite MIME::Lite 3 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Mail::Sendmail 0.79 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Memoize::Memcached 0.03 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Modern::Perl 1.03 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Moose 2.0006 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite MooseX::Role::Parameterized 0.26 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Net::LDAP 0.33 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Net::LDAP::Filter 0.14 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Net::Server::PreFork 0.97 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Net::Z3950::ZOOM 1.16 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite PDF::API2 2 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite PDF::API2::Page 2 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite PDF::API2::Util 2 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite PDF::Reuse 0.33 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite PDF::Reuse::Barcode 0.05 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite POE 0.9999 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Plack 0.9978 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Plack::Middleware::Deflater 0.03 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Plack::Middleware::Expires 0.03 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Plack::Middleware::HTTPExceptions 0.01 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Plack::Middleware::Header 0.04 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Plack::Middleware::MethodOverride 0.1 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxy 0.09 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Plack::Middleware::Rewrite 1.003 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Plack::Middleware::Status 1.10115 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Rose::DB 0.762 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Rose::DB::Object 0.791 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Rose::DB::Object::Helpers 0.784 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Rose::DB::Object::Loader 0.787 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite SMS::Send 0.05 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Schedule::At 1.06 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Squatting 0.81 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Squatting::On::PSGI 0.06 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Text::Aspell 0.04 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Text::CSV 0.01 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Text::CSV_XS 0.32 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite Try::Tiny 0.06 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite XML::Dumper 0.81 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite XML::LibXML 1.59 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite XML::LibXSLT 1.59 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite XML::RSS 1.31 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite XML::SAX::ExpatXS 1.31 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite XML::SAX::ParserFactory 1.01 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite XML::SAX::Writer 0.44 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite XML::Simple 2.14 not found.
> Warning: prerequisite YAML::Syck 0.71 not found.
> Writing Makefile for koha
> Writing MYMETA.yml

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