Kudos to Koha community.

I like to introduce myself as Dr.B.Ravivenkat , working as Deputy Librarian
in TumkurUniversity, Karnataka India. I have nearly 18 years of experience
in administrationof library. Starting as apprentice, library asst,
Documentation asst, Asst. Librarian,Librarian in college library and Deputy
Librarian in University Library.

I started learning  automation activities by using CDS/ISIS, Inbuilt
library softwares in institutions. but I exposed to the Koha in the
University Library.

>From the beginning I had some fascination for this open source compared
to other may be due to its universal appeal.

At present as an administrator I have completed the task of bibliographic
entry. Circulation module been used to full extent. further the library is
going to use the Software to maximum extent and make the koha as software
to be
used in our University jursidiction(degree colleges and community colleges)

I like to learn new things and to retain koha as indispensable in future
development of library activities.


*Dr.  B. RavivenkatDeputy LibrarianTumkur University,
Tumkur-572103Karnataka, basralravi@gmail, ravivenk...@tumkuruniversity.in
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