On 12/03/15 03:06, MJ Ray wrote:
As discussed at the General IRC meeting 11 March 2015, I have posted
http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Fundraising for nominations of who
should sign the memorandum of understanding on our behalf, as well as
any other notes we wish to make.

Another IRC meeting has been called for the same time next week.
Currently the only business I expect is to decide on signatories, but of
course you can edit the agenda if you want something else discussed
before or after, or if you wish to apologise for missing the meeting and
include a short statement.

I've also put a section on there for nominations for an initial
Fundraising Committee - please see that less as prejudicial and more as
allowing as much time as possible for nominations if this does go ahead.

Thanks to BobB and Joann for developing this so far.  Please could the
memo source code be posted somewhere and linked from the Fundraising
page so that any improvements can be suggested?

Hope that helps,

The MOU is only a framework. The real work will fall to the fundraising committee. We are yet to have any discussion about how that will work. I refer you all back to Brendan's post of last October and the minutes of the 17 December meeting (part 2).

In my opinion, it doesn't matter who signs the MOU, as long as they are prepared to exercise their obligation under clause 9, that is, to 'use their best endeavours to ensure that the Koha community establishes a Fundraising Committee.' Its ridiculous that it needs another meeting. I propose that anyone committed to clause 9 can and should sign the MOU.

I'd urge everyone to support Brendan in getting this thing done.

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