We use it here and have not experienced any issues with it. The issues
we've had usually just involve having staff clear the browser cache ...Eg.,
after a Koha upgrade.
We also disable form autocomplete which has caused some issues.

On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 6:23 AM, Kearns, Sheila <sheila.kea...@state.vt.us>

> I would like to hear from anyone who is using Firefox ESR (Extended
> Support Release https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/organizations/) for
> staff client access with Koha or who knows anything about Firefox ESR
> which  is supposed to be in sync with the current Firefox release for
> general users.
> Our IT group only installs Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release) on
> computers it manages (https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/organizations/).
> It is supposed to be in sync with the current Firefox release for general
> users, but clearly it is not. Even the most simple elements of the staff
> client (Koha version 3.16.04) do not work in Firefox ESR. Just one example
> is that most dropdowns do not function . When using the general release of
> Firefox (version 36.04)
> I believe that my problems are specifically with using the staff client. I
> have tried using the OPAC with this version of Firefox and have not found
> any problems.
> I wish Chrome could be an answer to this problem, but our IT security
> group sees it as a security risk and will not allow it to be installed.
> This is how life in state government in the US goes....
> Sheila M. Kearns
> Information Technology Librarian
> Vermont Dept. of Libraries
> 109 State St.
> Montpelier, VT 05609
> 802-828-6952
> sheila.kea...@state.vt.us
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Automation Dept.
North Central Regional Library
Koha mailing list  http://koha-community.org

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