Craig Butosi schreef op wo 08-04-2015 om 01:29 [+0000]:
> to no effect. Still unable to connect to 210
> Also tried to telnet using sudo telnet localhost:210, to which I get the 
> following error
> telnet: could not resolve localhost:210/telnet: Name or service not known

Your syntax is wrong:

telnet localhost 210

> Three things of note:
> 1. I noticed that when checking the iptables, nothing is listed as listening 
> in on port 210, but port 80 and 8080 are listed (OPAC and Staff Client, 
> respectively). How would I open port 210 with iptables? I'm not sure what I 
> should do.

Ignore iptables, you're likely to make things worse. If the process
isn't listening, no amount of messing with firewall rules is going to
make it show up. iptables --list will show you what rules actually

Also, iptables doesn't tell you about things that are listening anyway.
For that you want:

sudo netstat -lp --inet

> I/O warning : failed to load external entity 
> "/etc/koha/sites/library/__KOHA_CONF_DIR__/zebradb/explain-biblios.xml"
> 21:04:47-07/04 [fatal] Failed to bind to tcp:@:210 [Permission denied]

This is your key thing that you need to be noticing. You don't have
permissions to bind on that port, you need root to bind to ports <1024,
so try for a different number and see if that works.

Robin Sheat
Catalyst IT Ltd.
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