Would this be for self-check or public internet kiosks -- both?

For self-check you can use Google Chrome in kiosk mode. We used Linux and
chrome for our selfchecks and they worked fine and were reliable. You could
do the same with Windows as well I'm sure. We used jQuery and CSS to
increase the size of the buttons and scrollbars for touchscreens.

For the last 7 - 8 years, with public internet computers, we've used
Groovix -- an Ubuntu based distribution with session limits, reservations,
remote monitoring/admin, privacy features ....etc. There are several
support options and the support is exceptional! They will do customizations
and development for you -- we've had modifications for printing made and
are having some additional development done for print management [ though
it comes with a print release option as well ] .

We had not heard of Libki until recently and have not tried it -- yet!


On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 9:24 AM, Jim Maroon <storyp...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey, all. I've tried several Linux and Windows based kiosk options, with
> little luck. They all seem to do one quirky thing or another and end up
> frustrating staff and patrons.
> Could someone suggest a good kiosk setup or install that works well with
> the Koha OPAC interface, please?
> Thanks much in advance!
> Jim Maroon
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Chad Roseburg
Automation Dept.
North Central Regional Library
Koha mailing list  http://koha-community.org

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