I do batch loads of records into our Koha system.
Some records are new and some are for overlaying (and updating) existing

The load process generally gives me a notice that there were no
overlays. Even though the "Match Details" area says that there are matches.

So, I reverse the load and try again. The second try finds the matched
records and everything is fine.

But, why does it take two tries?

I did a load today.
The screenshot of the first attempt is at:

Note that the screenshot shows:
1) Staged session with date and time,
2) A match rule has been applied,
3) Replace existing record with incoming,
4) Records added is 4609, (no overlays)
5) Match type says "Match Found",
6) There are matches in the Match Details.

After reversing that load  I try again and it is fine.
The screenshot is at

1) Same staged session as before,
2) Same match rule,
3) Still replacing matches records with incoming,
4) Records added is 661 and records updated is 3948 (i.e. matched),
5) Match type says "Match applied",
6) Matches in the "Match details".

Why does Koha need two tries when it knows that there are matches?
Is this a bug that needs to be fixed?

I have seen this behavior with loads as small as 200 records.

Koha version:

Original version was installed by an "automatic" process that our IT
gurus found. Updates since then are done "automatically" when a clean
update is available.

Thanks for any help.

Steve Sowder              Systems Librarian
sow...@andrews.edu       Andrews University

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