Interesting question, but I don't think it's the problem She's running a
fairly recent version of Windows.  Probably the same version of Windows
that her colleague is using who successfully uploaded the file. Still, I'll
 I tested it via a windows emulator running XP (I know, but I only use
Windows for legacy database software) and had no problem with it.  We've
never had trouble with other CSV files. I suspect operator error somewhere,
but because we're not in the same room (or country for that matter) it's
hard for me to see where she's going wrong.
The complicated step is converting the file from the membership database to
the correct format for Koha.  She did that perfectly. It's odd that she
stumbled at the final hurdle.

On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 12:25 AM, Mark Tompsett <>

> Greetings,
> I'm curious if this is a windows/linux CR/LF issue?
> Are the files the identical size? If not, then this might be a possibility.
> Mark Tompsett
> -----Original Message----- From: Elaine Bradtke
> Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 6:58 PM
> To: Robin Sheat
> Cc: koha
> Subject: Re: [Koha] Problem uploading patrons
> ​We get an export from our membership database, run it through some batch
> edits in another piece of software that spits out a .CSV file with the
> proper headers.  The .CSV file​ she sent me is the one she tried to use.
> It works fine for me, and another colleague, and for me using her login
> (just to make sure it isn't her account).  I'm thinking it may be something
> local to her computer. The file, and the permissions on her account seem to
> be just fine.

Elaine Bradtke
Data Wrangler
English Folk Dance and Song Society |
Cecil Sharp House, 2 Regent's Park Road, London NW1 7AY
Tel    +44 (0) 20 7485 2206 (This number is for the English Folk Dance and
Song Society in London, England. If you wish to phone me personally, send
an e-mail first. I work off site)
Registered Company No. 297142
Charity Registered in England and Wales No. 305999
"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture"
--Elvis Costello (Musician magazine No. 60 (October 1983), p. 52)
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