On 13/06/16 11:15, Andy Boze wrote:
On 6/10/2016 10:51 PM, Bob Birchall wrote:
On the other hand, the Publication line of the non-XSLT display
contains more information than the Publisher line of the XSLT display.
And there are some other differences, too. Some of the display issues
I can handle with CSS, such as getting rid of the "Material type" line.
That's controlled by system preferences: DisplayIconsXSLT and

Thanks, but I had thought of that. I have DisplayOPACiconsXSLT set to "Don't show", but it's the same whether I have it set to "Show" or "Don't show".

Well that shouldn't be so. Try clearing your browser cache, or see what happens with a different browser. The preferences work as expected in Koha 3.20 (for me at least). Its also working in the Catalyst demo at http://demo-intra.mykoha.co.nz which is running 16.05.

Bob Birchall

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