Dear all,
I am getting error during fresh installation of koha-3.22.07 on Ubuntu.
I have installed all perl dependencies
But during
'make test' command ... getting the following errors

Your kind help is needed.

These are the snapshot of errors

With regards,
Vijay Kumar

root@vijay-ubuntu:/usr/share/koha-3.22.07# make test
"/usr/bin/perl" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef
*Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR',
'blib/arch')" t/*.t
t/00-checkdatabase-version.t ........ ok
t/00-deprecated.t ................... ok
t/00-load.t ......................... 1/? Too late to run INIT block at
/usr/share/koha-3.22.07/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Barcodes/ line
t/00-load.t ......................... 14/?
DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_warn_undetermined_driver(): This version of
DBIC does not yet seem to supply a driver for your particular RDBMS and/or
connection method ('Mock'). While we will attempt to continue anyway, the
results are likely to be underwhelming. Please upgrade DBIC, and if this
message does not go away, file a bugreport including the following info:
  DBD => "DBD::Mock",
  DBD_VER => "1.45",
  DBIC_DRIVER => "DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI",
  DBIC_DSN => "DBI:Mock:",
  DBIC_VER => "0.082821",
  DBI_VER => "1.636"
DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::sql_maker(): Your storage class
(DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI) does not set sql_limit_dialect and you have not
supplied an explicit limit_dialect in your connection_info. DBIC will
attempt to use the GenericSubQ dialect, which works on most databases but
can be (and often is) painfully slow. Please file an RT ticket against
'DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI' at
/usr/share/koha-3.22.07/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/Koha/ line 83
Too late to run INIT block at
/usr/share/koha-3.22.07/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/ line 75.
t/00-load.t ......................... 82/? Too late to run INIT block at
line 42.
t/00-load.t ......................... ok
t/00-merge-conflict-markers.t ....... ok
t/00-testcritic.t ................... skipped: Author test. Set
$ENV{TEST_QA} to a true value to run
t/00-valid-xml.t .................... ok
t/Auth_with_shibboleth.t ............ ok
t/AuthoritiesMarc_MARC21.t .......... ok
t/AuthoritiesMarc_UNIMARC.t ......... ok
t/AuthUtils.t ....................... ok
t/Barcodes_annual.t ................. ok
t/Barcodes_EAN13.t .................. ok
t/Barcodes_hbyymmincr.t ............. ok
t/Barcodes_incremental.t ............ ok
t/Biblio.t .......................... ok
t/Bookseller.t ...................... ok
t/Boolean.t ......................... ok
t/Borrower.t ........................ ok
t/Branch.t .......................... ok
t/Breeding.t ........................ ok
t/Budgets.t ......................... ok
t/Cache.t ........................... ok
t/Calendar.t ........................ ok
t/Charset.t ......................... ok
t/Circulation_barcodedecode.t ....... ok
t/ClassSortRoutine.t ................ ok
t/ClassSortRoutine_Dewey.t .......... ok
t/ClassSortRoutine_Generic.t ........ ok
t/ClassSortRoutine_LCC.t ............ ok
t/ClassSource.t ..................... ok
t/Context.t ......................... ok
t/Contract.t ........................ ok
t/Creators.t ........................ ok
t/DateUtils.t ....................... ok
t/Debug.t ........................... ok
t/dummy.t ........................... ok
t/External_Syndetics.t .............. ok
t/Form_MessagingPreferences.t ....... ok
t/Heading.t ......................... ok
t/Images.t .......................... ok
t/ImportBatch.t ..................... ok
t/Installer_PerlDependencies.t ...... ok
t/Installer_PerlModules.t ........... ok
t/Installer_pm.t .................... ok
t/ItemCirculationAlertPreference.t .. ok
t/ItemType.t ........................ ok
t/Koha.t ............................ ok
t/Koha_Email.t ...................... ok
t/Koha_MetadataRecord.t ............. ok
t/Koha_Template_Plugin_Cache.t ...... ok
t/Koha_Template_Plugin_Koha.t ....... ok
t/Koha_Util_FrameworkPlugin.t ....... ok
t/Koha_Util_MARC.t .................. ok
t/Labels.t .......................... ok
t/Labels_split_ccn.t ................ ok
t/Labels_split_ddcn.t ............... ok
t/Labels_split_lccn.t ............... ok
t/Languages.t ....................... ok
t/Letters.t ......................... ok
t/Log.t ............................. ok
t/Logger.t ..........................
    #   Failed test 'Warnings raised if log file is not writeable'
    #   at t/Logger.t line 64.
    # didn't find a warning
    # expected to find warning: Log file not writable for log4perl
    # expected to find warning: warn: Message 3

    #   Failed test 'Message 3 returned undef'
    #   at t/Logger.t line 67.
    #          got: '1'
    #     expected: undef
    # Looks like you failed 2 tests of 8.
t/Logger.t .......................... 1/1
#   Failed test 'Test01 -- Simple tests for Koha::Logger'
#   at t/Logger.t line 31.
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.
t/Logger.t .......................... Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256,
Failed 1/1 subtests
t/Matcher.t ......................... ok
t/Members_Attributes.t .............. ok
t/Members_AttributeTypes.t .......... ok
t/Members_Messaging.t ............... ok
t/Message.t ......................... ok
t/NorwegianPatronDB.t ............... ok
t/Output.t .......................... ok
t/Output_JSONStream.t ............... ok
t/Overdues.t ........................ ok
t/Patroncards.t ..................... ok
t/Patroncards_Batch.t ............... ok
t/Patroncards_Layout.t .............. ok
t/Patroncards_Lib.t ................. ok
t/Patroncards_Patroncard.t .......... ok
t/Patroncards_Profile.t ............. ok
t/Patroncards_Template.t ............ ok
t/Prices.t .......................... ok
t/Print.t ........................... ok
t/QueryParser.t ..................... 7/? Negative repeat count does
nothing at
/usr/share/koha-3.22.07/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/Koha/QueryParser/Driver/PQF/query_plan/ line 102.
t/QueryParser.t ..................... ok
t/RecordProcessor.t ................. ok
t/Review.t .......................... ok
t/Ris.t ............................. 1/6 Use of uninitialized value
$uniout in string eq at
/usr/share/koha-3.22.07/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/ line 1024.
Use of uninitialized value $uniout in string eq at
/usr/share/koha-3.22.07/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/ line 1024.
t/Ris.t ............................. ok
t/RotatingCollections.t ............. ok
t/Scheduler.t ....................... ok
t/Scrubber.t ........................ ok
t/Search.t .......................... ok
t/Search_PazPar2.t .................. ok
t/SimpleMARC.t ...................... ok
t/SIP_Sip.t ......................... ok
t/SMS.t ............................. ok
t/SocialData.t ...................... ok
t/Stats.t ........................... ok
t/SuggestionEngine.t ................ ok
t/SuggestionEngine_AuthorityFile.t .. ok
t/TmplToken.t ....................... ok
t/XSLT.t ............................ ok

Test Summary Report
t/Logger.t                        (Wstat: 256 Tests: 1 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  1
  Non-zero exit status: 1
Files=97, Tests=10432, 172 wallclock secs ( 3.15 usr  0.33 sys + 128.90
cusr  8.12 csys = 140.50 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 1/97 test programs. 1/10432 subtests failed.
Makefile:21065: recipe for target 'test_dynamic' failed
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255
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