At 09:45 PM 6/30/2016 +0530, SATISH wrote:
Now, I am planning for Ubuntu OS upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04.

Perhaps two points: you *might* want to consider a new, clean install. The Ubuntu dist-upgrade is fairly seamless, but... Secondly, why not 16.04? If you're worried by MySQL 5.7, you can install an older version (5.5, 5.6). We've upgraded all our workstations (and are very happy), and are currently rebuilding all our servers (14.04 ==> 16.04), so far happily...

1) What are the precautions one should take, apart from taking MySQL DB
backup ?

We have over the last 4 or 5 years found that customization is time consuming IF something goes wrong. So:

sudo tar -cvpzf /wherever/backup/usr_share_koha_30june15.tar.gz /usr/share/koha

2) Does OS upgrade affect the existing Koha,  Installed on System?

You might have to re-index Zebra (biblios and auths.) Check that your cron jobs don't disappear ...

Best -- Paul
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