On 22 July 2016 at 11:05, Jesse <pianohac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Friends, colleagues, and that crazy guy named Kyle,
> I wanted to let you know that today will be my last day with ByWater
> Solutions. I'm taking a job with a local web application shop.
> I will miss working with all of you, though I plan to be involved with the
> Koha community going forward.
> Peace and good luck,

Kia ora Jesse

I'm pretty sure we first talked on IRC in either late 2007 or early
2008, your first message to the devel list I can find is
from Sat Feb 16 18:57:35 CET 2008 and it was about the issuing rules
I remember being super impressed that a 16 (or 15?) year old was so on
to it, and so willing to listen and learn.

To quote myself talking about mentoring relationships [they] "have all
evolved from people asking questions on IRC or in the mailing lists.
Then following up the answer with a thank you; usually the ‘thank you'
is what gets me hooked."
Jesse you never ever once forgot to say thank you, and I hope that I
was a small part of helping you become the awesome man you are.

We first met in person at Kohacon09 in Plano Texas, and this is where
we also need to thank your parents for allowing you to come meet up
with a bunch of weird librarians and programmers you hadn't met ;)
And most recently in Berlin and Thessaloniki
Still discussing technical things with other devs, the difference is
this time you were legal to drink a beer ;)

I know you will do great things at the new place you are working at,
but I also know you have the Koha bug now, and you'll be back ;)

All the best, keep in touch

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