
what do you mean with "IGNORED"?

I couldn't get rid of that warning but I assumed, from here:


that it is not influent

(hope so...)



Il 24/08/2016 13:00, BibliothèqueIMP ha scritto:
> Hi!
> We had the same error. Please make sure both 001 and 090a fields are set
> to IGNORED. then the error disappears. Try it and let me know
> Best regards,
> /monk Prodromos///
> /Library of the Holy Monastery of Paraklitos///
> /Oropos 19015, HELLAS///
> /tel: +302295032475 (9-12 am)///
> /e-mail: //bibl...@otenet.gr <mailto:bibl...@otenet.gr>///
> /http: www.imparaklitou.gr <http://www.imparaklitou.gr/>/
> *P* /Before printing this email, assess if it is really needed./

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