Hi,  as it look like a small library.  I suggest digital ocean  with the
USD10 / per month package you can get a good performance with it and  you
can upgrade RAM / cpu anytime  if needed in the  future.

I think you can start with the usd5 /m package and make sure to enable swap
on it.


Choose Ubuntu 14.04 LTS or debian 8 as it is easy to follow up with the
package installation instructions there.



Best wishes.

On 31 Jan 2017 3:51 pm, "Andreas Resch" <inselke...@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear Community,

I am a librarian from Vienna, Austria and I would like to install Koha for
the library of my cultural association. As it is a small association we
have no institutional backing and therefore no IT team. I tried to install
Koha on the server of my website but I have no root access. I asked at the
hosting company and they said they don't offer root access. After some
research I found providers offering "root servers" or "managed servers"
which are a little costly (about € 30,- a month).

It would be great if you could share your experiences on which hosting is
best. Specifically my questions are:

   - Are there any recommended hosting companies and products? It would be
   best if they were in Austria or Germany but also abroad ist ok.
   - If I get a root server will I be able to install it only with the
   Installation instructions? I am proficient with the command line and I
   already installed and set up Koha on a "virtual machine".
   - Is there a better/easier way?

Your help would be greatly appreciated!

All the best from Vienna,
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